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Php nl langinfo () function

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nl_langinfo --  Query language and locale information


string nl_langinfo ( int item )

nl_langinfo() is used to access individual elements of the locale categories. Unlike localeconv(), which returns all of the elements, nl_langinfo() allows you to select any specific element.

If item is not valid, FALSE will be returned.

item may be an integer value of the element or the constant name of the element. The following is a list of constant names for item that may be used and their description. Some of these constants may not be defined or hold no value for certain locales.

Table 1. nl_langinfo Constants

LC_TIME Category Constants
ABDAY_(1-7)Abbreviated name of n-th day of the week.
DAY_(1-7)Name of the n-th day of the week (DAY_1 = Sunday).
ABMON_(1-12)Abbreviated name of the n-th month of the year.
MON_(1-12)Name of the n-th month of the year.
AM_STRString for Ante meridian.
PM_STRString for Post meridian.
D_T_FMTString that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time and date.
D_FMTString that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent date.
T_FMTString that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time.
T_FMT_AMPMString that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time in 12-hour format with ante/post meridian.
ERAAlternate era.
ERA_YEARYear in alternate era format.
ERA_D_T_FMTDate and time in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime()).
ERA_D_FMTDate in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime()).
ERA_T_FMTTime in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime()).
LC_MONETARY Category Constants
INT_CURR_SYMBOLInternational currency symbol.
CURRENCY_SYMBOLLocal currency symbol.
MON_DECIMAL_POINTDecimal point character.
MON_THOUSANDS_SEPThousands separator (groups of three digits).
MON_GROUPINGLike 'grouping' element.
POSITIVE_SIGNSign for positive values.
NEGATIVE_SIGNSign for negative values.
INT_FRAC_DIGITSInternational fractional digits.
FRAC_DIGITSLocal fractional digits.
P_CS_PRECEDESReturns 1 if CURRENCY_SYMBOL precedes a positive value.
P_SEP_BY_SPACEReturns 1 if a space separates CURRENCY_SYMBOL from a positive value.
N_CS_PRECEDESReturns 1 if CURRENCY_SYMBOL precedes a negative value.
N_SEP_BY_SPACEReturns 1 if a space separates CURRENCY_SYMBOL from a negative value.

  • Returns 0 if parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol.

  • Returns 1 if the sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol.

  • Returns 2 if the sign string follows the quantity and currency_symbol.

  • Returns 3 if the sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol.

  • Returns 4 if the sign string immediately follows the currency_symbol.

LC_NUMERIC Category Constants
DECIMAL_POINTDecimal point character.
THOUSANDS_SEPSeparator character for thousands (groups of three digits).
LC_MESSAGES Category Constants
YESEXPRRegex string for matching 'yes' input.
NOEXPRRegex string for matching 'no' input.
YESSTROutput string for 'yes'.
NOSTROutput string for 'no'.
LC_CTYPE Category Constants
CODESETReturn a string with the name of the character encoding.

Note: This function is not implemented on Windows platforms.

See also setlocale() and localeconv().

Php nl langinfo Function syntax tag

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