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Php ocinewdescriptor () function

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(PHP 3>= 3.0.7, PHP 4 , PHP 5)

ocinewdescriptor --  Initialize a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor


OCI-Lob ocinewdescriptor ( resource connection [, int type] )

ocinewdescriptor() allocates storage to hold descriptors or LOB locators. Valid values for type are OCI_D_FILE, OCI_D_LOB and OCI_D_ROWID. For LOB descriptors, the methods load, save, and savefile are associated with the descriptor, for BFILE only the load method exists. See the second example usage hints.

Example 1. ocinewdescriptor() example

/* This script is designed to be called from a HTML form.
     * It expects $user, $password, $table, $where, and $commitsize
     * to be passed in from the form.  The script then deletes
     * the selected rows using the ROWID and commits after each
     * set of $commitsize rows. (Use with care, there is no rollback)
$conn = OCILogon($user, $password);
$stmt = OCIParse($conn, "select rowid from $table $where");
$rowid = OCINewDescriptor($conn, OCI_D_ROWID);
OCIDefineByName($stmt, "ROWID", &$rowid);   
    while (
OCIFetch($stmt)) {
$nrows = OCIRowCount($stmt);
$delete = OCIParse($conn, "delete from $table where ROWID = :rid");
OCIBindByName($delete, ":rid", &$rowid, -1, OCI_B_ROWID);
       if ((
$nrows % $commitsize) == 0) {
$nrows = OCIRowCount($stmt);   
"$nrows deleted...\n";
/* This script demonstrates file upload to LOB columns
     * The formfield used for this example looks like this
     * <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
     * <input type="file" name="lob_upload" />
     * ...
if (!isset($lob_upload) || $lob_upload == 'none'){
<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Upload file: <input type="file" name="lob_upload" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload" /> - <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
} else {

// $lob_upload contains the temporary filename of the uploaded file

     // see also the features section on file upload,
     // if you would like to use secure uploads
$conn = OCILogon($user, $password);
$lob = OCINewDescriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB);
$stmt = OCIParse($conn, "insert into $table (id, the_blob)
               values(my_seq.NEXTVAL, EMPTY_BLOB()) returning the_blob into :the_blob"
OCIBindByName($stmt, ':the_blob', &$lob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB);
OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
     if (
"Blob successfully uploaded\n";
"Couldn't upload Blob\n";

Example 2. ocinewdescriptor() second example

/* Calling PL/SQL stored procedures which contain clobs as input
     * parameters (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6).
     * Example PL/SQL stored procedure signature is:
     * PROCEDURE save_data
     *   Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
     *   ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
     *   KEY                            NUMBER(38)              IN
     *   DATA                           CLOB                    IN

$conn = OCILogon($user, $password);
$stmt = OCIParse($conn, "begin save_data(:key, :data); end;");
$clob = OCINewDescriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB);
OCIBindByName($stmt, ':key', $key);
OCIBindByName($stmt, ':data', $clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);

Note: This function was renamed to oci_new_descriptor() after PHP >= 5.0.0. For downward compatibility ocinewdescriptor() can also be used. This is deprecated, however.

Php ocinewdescriptor Function syntax tag

ocinewdescriptor php code on this is provided for your study purpose, it will guide you to know how create and design a website using php. use it to practice and train your self online

Php ocinewdescriptor syntax tutorial

php tutorial guide and code design are for easy learning and programming. The code practice section provided at the top is for practising of this syntax. Use the code section up to practice your php programming online. Learning php is very easy, all you need is to use the examples on this site and practice them to perfect your skills.

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