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Php ref.printer () function

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<?php ?>

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CII. Printer Functions


These functions are only available under Windows 9.x, ME, NT4 and 2000. They have been added in PHP 4.0.4.


This PECL extension is not bundled with PHP.

Windows users must enable php_printer.dll inside of php.ini in order to use these functions. You may obtain this unbundled PECL extension from the various PECL snaps pages (select the appropriate repository for your version of PHP): PECL for PHP 4.3.x, PECL for PHP 5.0.x or PECL Unstable.

Runtime Configuration

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

Table 1. Printer configuration options

For further details and definitions of the PHP_INI_* constants, see the Appendix H.

Table of Contents
printer_abort -- Deletes the printer's spool file
printer_close -- Close an open printer connection
printer_create_brush -- Create a new brush
printer_create_dc -- Create a new device context
printer_create_font -- Create a new font
printer_create_pen -- Create a new pen
printer_delete_brush -- Delete a brush
printer_delete_dc -- Delete a device context
printer_delete_font -- Delete a font
printer_delete_pen -- Delete a pen
printer_draw_bmp -- Draw a bmp
printer_draw_chord -- Draw a chord
printer_draw_elipse -- Draw an ellipse
printer_draw_line -- Draw a line
printer_draw_pie -- Draw a pie
printer_draw_rectangle -- Draw a rectangle
printer_draw_roundrect -- Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
printer_draw_text -- Draw text
printer_end_doc -- Close document
printer_end_page -- Close active page
printer_get_option -- Retrieve printer configuration data
printer_list -- Return an array of printers attached to the server
printer_logical_fontheight -- Get logical font height
printer_open -- Open connection to a printer
printer_select_brush -- Select a brush
printer_select_font -- Select a font
printer_select_pen -- Select a pen
printer_set_option -- Configure the printer connection
printer_start_doc -- Start a new document
printer_start_page -- Start a new page
printer_write -- Write data to the printer

Php ref.printer Function syntax tag

ref.printer php code on this is provided for your study purpose, it will guide you to know how create and design a website using php. use it to practice and train your self online

Php ref.printer syntax tutorial

php tutorial guide and code design are for easy learning and programming. The code practice section provided at the top is for practising of this syntax. Use the code section up to practice your php programming online. Learning php is very easy, all you need is to use the examples on this site and practice them to perfect your skills.

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