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Php phpinfo () function

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<?php ?>

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(PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5)

phpinfo -- Outputs lots of PHP information


int phpinfo ( [int what] )

Outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, OS version information, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License.

Because every system is setup differently, phpinfo() is commonly used to check configuration settings and for available predefined variables on a given system. Also, phpinfo() is a valuable debugging tool as it contains all EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) data.

The output may be customized by passing one or more of the following constants bitwise values summed together in the optional what parameter. One can also combine the respective constants or bitwise values together with the or operator.

Table 1. phpinfo() options

Name (constant)ValueSyntax
INFO_GENERAL1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more.
INFO_CREDITS2 PHP 4 Credits. See also phpcredits().
INFO_CONFIGURATION4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get().
INFO_MODULES8 Loaded modules and their respective settings. See also get_loaded_extensions().
INFO_ENVIRONMENT16 Environment Variable information that's also available in $_ENV.
INFO_VARIABLES32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server).
INFO_LICENSE64 PHP License information. See also the license FAQ.
INFO_ALL-1 Shows all of the above. This is the default value.

Example 1. phpinfo() examples


// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.


Note: Parts of the information displayed are disabled when the expose_php configuration setting is set to off. This includes the PHP and Zend logos, and the credits.

Note: phpinfo() outputs plain text instead of HTML when using the CLI mode.

See also phpversion(), phpcredits(), php_logo_guid(), ini_get(), ini_set(), get_loaded_extensions(), and the section on Predefined Variables.

Php phpinfo Function syntax tag

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Php phpinfo syntax tutorial

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