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Php language.types.type juggling () function

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Type Juggling

PHP does not require (or support) explicit type definition in variable declaration; a variable's type is determined by the context in which that variable is used. That is to say, if you assign a string value to variable $var, $var becomes a string. If you then assign an integer value to $var, it becomes an integer.

An example of PHP's automatic type conversion is the addition operator '+'. If any of the operands is a float, then all operands are evaluated as floats, and the result will be a float. Otherwise, the operands will be interpreted as integers, and the result will also be an integer. Note that this does NOT change the types of the operands themselves; the only change is in how the operands are evaluated.

= "0";  // $foo is string (ASCII 48)
$foo += 2;   // $foo is now an integer (2)
$foo = $foo + 1.3;  // $foo is now a float (3.3)
$foo = 5 + "10 Little Piggies"; // $foo is integer (15)
$foo = 5 + "10 Small Pigs";     // $foo is integer (15)

If the last two examples above seem odd, see String conversion to numbers.

If you wish to force a variable to be evaluated as a certain type, see the section on Type casting. If you wish to change the type of a variable, see settype().

If you would like to test any of the examples in this section, you can use the var_dump() function.

Note: The behaviour of an automatic conversion to array is currently undefined.

= "1";     // $a is a string
$a[0] = "f";  // What about string offsets? What happens?

Since PHP (for historical reasons) supports indexing into strings via offsets using the same syntax as array indexing, the example above leads to a problem: should $a become an array with its first element being "f", or should "f" become the first character of the string $a?

The current versions of PHP interpret the second assignment as a string offset identification, so $a becomes "f", the result of this automatic conversion however should be considered undefined. PHP 4 introduced the new curly bracket syntax to access characters in string, use this syntax instead of the one presented above:

= "abc"; // $a is a string
$a{1} = "f";   // $a is now "afc"

See the section titled String access by character for more information.

Type Casting

Type casting in PHP works much as it does in C: the name of the desired type is written in parentheses before the variable which is to be cast.

= 10;   // $foo is an integer
$bar = (boolean) $foo;   // $bar is a boolean

The casts allowed are:

  • (int), (integer) - cast to integer

  • (bool), (boolean) - cast to boolean

  • (float), (double), (real) - cast to float

  • (string) - cast to string

  • (array) - cast to array

  • (object) - cast to object

Note that tabs and spaces are allowed inside the parentheses, so the following are functionally equivalent:

= (int) $bar;
$foo = ( int ) $bar;

Note: Instead of casting a variable to string, you can also enclose the variable in double quotes.

= 10;            // $foo is an integer
$str = "$foo";        // $str is a string
$fst = (string) $foo; // $fst is also a string

// This prints out that "they are the same"
if ($fst === $str) {
"they are the same";

It may not be obvious exactly what will happen when casting between certain types. For more info, see these sections:

Php language.types.type juggling Function syntax tag

language.types.type juggling php code on this is provided for your study purpose, it will guide you to know how create and design a website using php. use it to practice and train your self online

Php language.types.type juggling syntax tutorial

php tutorial guide and code design are for easy learning and programming. The code practice section provided at the top is for practising of this syntax. Use the code section up to practice your php programming online. Learning php is very easy, all you need is to use the examples on this site and practice them to perfect your skills.

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